EmailSmart Articles

Mind The Spam Trap!

Email providers work in mysterious ways to catch those pesky spammers and stop them from reaching our inboxes. But sometimes, even a well-intentioned email marketer can fall into a trap and harm their sender reputation.I’m going to walk you through the different types...

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Why open rates still matter

When I was speaking at the recent Inbox 2022 event, I received a lot of comments from people where they quoted various email marketing experts who say "don't pay any attention to open rates". In my opinion, it's a big mistake to ignore open rates. Here's why. The...

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Why deliverability is a dirty word

Evan and I prefer not to talk about deliverability if we can help it, and here’s why: It’s often seen as complex, scary and technical. Or, worse, it’s seen as someone else’s problem. It’s very common for people to say “The email platform I use has poor...

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The End of Email Open Tracking (As We Know It)

Just in case you've not seen the announcement, a press release from Apple earlier this week has sent shockwaves through the email marketing world.What are Apple doing?To cut to the chase, Apple are going to block the invisible tracking pixels that tell your email...

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Podcasts I’ve Appeared On

I've had a lot of fun recording podcasts in the last few months. Here are some of the ones that have already published - they're a great way of finding out more about me, the software I've created and how to get even more emails delivered to the inbox. Just click each...

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“Your Email Went To My Spam Folder!”

  The irony! I specialise in email deliverability, but I still receive messages like that from the people I send emails to.      The good news is that I’m not alone. Even emails sent by YouTube (owned by Google) can end up in the Google (Gmail) spam...

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Doing something consistently is one of the most important factors of success in business. But did you know that it's also vital when it comes to getting more of your emails in front of more of your audience? Scroll down if you want to jump straight to the part about...

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