ESS a/b test (v1 simple)

Is your email list an asset or a liability?

Image to show EmailSmart Score is 969 out of 999

Between 30% and 50% of contacts on a typical email list are liabilities 

Find out how many liabilities are on your list - and how to identify them - so you can:

  • Avoid the spam folder
  • Boost your open rates
  • Get more of your emails seen
  • Make more sales

    Spears Marketing

    We jumped from a 12% open rate to a 25% open rate... and have a more active and engaged list that converts better than before.


    Co-founder, Fertility Coach

    Within a month, my email open rates are up from 18% to 26% and email click rates are up from 3.5% to 5.5%, while bounces are down from 2% to 0.4%