Thanks For Signing Up!

Your copy of the guide should be in your inbox in the next 10 minutes.
Please check your junk/spam folder if you don’t see it.

Is Your Email Authentication Set Up Correctly?

If not, your emails might not be getting seen, so you could be losing leads and losing sales!

From 1st April 2024, it’s almost certain that your emails won’t get through if things aren’t set up correctly. 

You can check that your email marketing platform is set up correctly using our FREE Automated Authentication Checker – hit the button below to get started.

Need An Email Marketing Platform?

Active­Cam­paign is your all-in-one solu­tion for cre­at­ing and automat­ing per­son­al­ized cus­tomer expe­ri­ences that grow your business.

By signing up through our reseller account Campaign Builder Pro you can try it FREE for 14 days

How To Find Your Guide

1. Please check your email inbox for your guide.

Look for an email from Adrian at EmailSmart
The subject line will be [DOWNLOAD] Your email guide attached

2. If you don’t see it there, check your promotions and spam/junk folders.

The email could have landed in your promotions, updates, clutter, spam or junk folders.

3. Once you’ve found the email, move it to your primary Inbox.

It’s important to move the email to your primary inbox so you can be sure to receive our follow-up hints and tips.

“Wait.. What?!? You guys are the experts… why would your email be in the spam folder?!”

I know, it seems ironic, but the simple answer is that email is not a guaranteed service. No one gets to everyone’s inbox every time. Not even us.

The trick is understanding that and then understanding what makes the difference to increase the chance that you will reach the inbox of your contacts.

So if you do see the email in your spam/junk folder, please move it to your inbox and add our email address to your address book and/or safe sender list.