Are You Worried

You’re Not Making as Many Sales from Your Emails as You Could Be?

That’s a valid concern. Actually — about half of your leads never even see your emails.

If you’re on this page, it’s likely that you want to get better results from your emails.

Whether you’re:

  • paying for ads,
  • spending time creating content,
  • or planning a launch,

you know you’ll make more sales if more people read your emails.

But no matter how much money you spend or how good your email content is, it will be wasted if no-one sees it.

One reason might be the liabilities on your mailing list. Every time you email them, these liabilities undermine your reputation and hurt your sales.

But the good news is, you can get rid of them automatically, so you never need to worry about them again.

You might even be using our Smart Defender product already, which helps you do exactly that! And there’s a program designed specifically to help you increase your email deliverability so that you can make the most of your email marketing, regardless of your list size.

Become an


Champion Now!

And start getting results.


Emails won’t help you get more sales unless you do this

Whether you’re new to email marketing or a seasoned email marketer, getting your emails to your customers’ inboxes is a constant challenge.

Emails landing in spam folders or promotional tabs will lessen your chances of making sales.

Unless your emails land in the inbox, you’re letting these three things go to waste.




And this is where it gets tougher.

You might already know that people have to see your emails before making sales, yet you’re not sure how to ensure that. What’s frustrating is that there just isn’t much support out there.

In addition, most email marketers battle with these two issues:

Your email marketing platform doesn’t really help you learn.

These marketing platforms just aren’t teaching what you need to do to get more people to see your emails.

Most people who are sending emails just don’t know what they don’t know.

You build the biggest email list you can, and then you keep sending to everyone until they buy, die, or unsubscribe.

When you don’t get promising results from your email marketing efforts, one thing is for sure – you are leaving money on the table.

But it doesn’t have to be that way…

You can always take charge of your email marketing results and make them work for you.

All you want is results. We get that. ‘Cause we’ve been there, too.

My partner Evan and I had our fair share of struggles getting to grips with the pitfalls and complexities of email deliverability.

Because let’s face it, this isn’t a new problem.

My struggle started

soon after becoming an Infusionsoft (now Keap) Certified Consultant in 2012. Back then,

  • ^some clients just couldn’t get their emails delivered.
  • ^I lost clients in the early days when they weren’t able to get their emails to land in the inbox at Microsoft 365,
  • ^and I didn’t know how to solve their problem.

My co-founder Evan shared the same struggles.

When he started working with clients after many years working at Infusionsoft (now Keap), he found that…

  • ^many of them were seeing lots of emails land in the spam folder.
  • ^they weren’t making the sales they needed with their campaigns
  • ^as you might suspect, emails landing in the inbox or not was Keap’s responsibility, not his or his clients’.

If you have the same problem, we want to help YOU too.

Over the years, we’ve worked out exactly what matters most to help anyone get more sales by sending emails.

  • Two decades of email expertise
  • Over a thousand businesses helped
  • Years of helping email marketers get the best possible results
  • Thousands of emails delivered to customers' inboxes.

You’ll not only get the best support and advice from experts, but you could be getting greater results and more sales from your emails.


The EmailSmart Champions Club

We’ve been working hard behind the scenes so you can finally fulfill your email marketing goals.

We’ve created a brand new product that:

  • ^offers the unique combination of the five most important components to succeed with email
  • ^will help you get amazing results with your emails quickly and easily
  • ^can boost your inbox arrivals within just a few hours
  • ^will help you get results within a week or so

How much of a difference would all that make to you and your business?
It’s THE best product we’ve ever created….
and we’re proud to be able to share it with you.

For now, you’re one of the first few people to see this.

Every champion deserves this

Once you become a member of the EmailSmart Champions Club,
you will get exclusive access to 🔥🔥🔥

The EmailSmart training program

Smart Stats and Smart Trainer Software

Support from our very own experts

Exclusive community of champions with the same goals

  • Get the EmailSmart 101 training program with over 30 video training modules
  • Learn our EXCLUSIVE SMART Framework to maximize your email performance
  • Get access to our Smart Stats software.
  • Unlock more in-depth reports to see what works best for each mailbox provider
  • Access our flagship solution, Smart Defender software, which automates your engagement management so you can be sure to only mail your best assets.
  • Receive a copy of our Re-engagement Campaign Framework, which we will install for you.
  • Get our brand new Smart Trainer software.
  • Get the right level of support through one live Champions Club Inner Circle call every month.
  • Become a member of our private Facebook group and Slack channel.

Be ready to get the best results

and make the most sales from sending emails.

This is for you if you…..

  • ^have a big or small email list audience size
  • ^are a serious email marketer (whether a newbie or a seasoned one!)
  • ^want to take emails more seriously and stop leaving money on the table
  • ^are tired of getting mediocre results from your emails and want to get more sales from email marketing

This is NOT for you if you’re…

  • ^already contented with your email marketing performance
  • ^not interested in taking action for your business
  • ^not interested in fixing your email deliverability performance
  • ^not ready to make a breakthrough in your sales

Here are more bonuses when you sign up now.

Bonus 1: 30-minute one-on-one onboarding call

Making Sure You Hit The Ground Running

“But with so much included, I just don’t know where to start”

And we get that! There’s so much value in the EmailSmart Champions Club, and we’re committed to ensuring you get started immediately.

So as a bonus, we’ve included a 30-minute, one-to-one onboarding call.

  • You get to speak with one of the expert members of our team (that could even be Evan or Adrian)
  • You get your questions answered by our experts
  • We’ll make sure you understand the first Smart Trainer Mission that you’ve been set,
  • And you save time and avoid being overwhelmed

Bonus 2: Making Sure You Sustain Your Success

Because your success is ours too.

It’s human nature to lose interest once an initial goal has been reached.

So as soon as you achieve one of these…

Improve your EmailSmart Score by more than 200, or

Get a perfect EmailSmart Score of 999

…you’ll qualify for another 30-minute, one-on-one Success Call consultation with our experts. 💪

This is to ensure you’ve got a plan in place to maintain your good habits and that you’re still aiming to improve even further.

This one call could guarantee you add thousands, or even tens of thousands, of dollars to your bottom line.

But wait… you might be thinking…

 “Mailchimp has poor email deliverability”
Or “Email deliverability depends on the CRM”.

Let me tell you…that is a complete MYTH.

That’s Why We Don’t Talk about Deliverability

Because that’s normally seen as someone else’s problem.

If some people using a particular email platform get poor results while other people using the same platform get amazing results, there’s got to be more than just the email platform influencing this, right?



What Do You Need to Achieve Amazing Results with Emails?

Basically, you will need these three things:
  • proper training from the experts to help you get ahead,
  • software and tools to help measure your results consistently,
  • and a community where you can get support

Imagine getting all of that. You save time and money without compromising the quality of support and training, and you get results faster.

But now the big question is,

How much would it cost for you to get all of that separately?

Email list up to
Email list up to
EmailSmart 101 Training Program
Smart Stats software
$99 per year
$199 per year
Smart Defender software
$1199 per year
$2399 per year
Smart Trainer software
$1199 per year
$2399 per year
Re-engagement campaign template
Monthly Champions Club group call
$1199 per year
$1199 per year
Champions Club Facebook group
$499 per year
$499 per year
Champions Club Slack channel
$499 per year
$499 per year
One-on-One Onboarding Call
One-on-One Success Call$299
Total Value$6790$9290

But although this program is super valuable to your business, you don’t need to invest that much to get the help you deserve.

You don’t even have to pay $2000 to join the highly-coveted EmailSmart Champions Club…

You’ll be surprised by how little you’ll have to pay for the value you’re getting…

Up to 25,000 contacts on your list

For a total value of $6790, you only pay $1349/year or $149/month 

Click to join

Over 25,000 and up to 100k

For a total value of $9290, you only pay $2699/year or $299/month

Click to join

If you choose not to go with that, here’s an alternative.

You may opt to get a special consultation from us. It’s the same value-packed consultation we give our private clients. They normally pay up to $1000 per hour for a one-on-one call and anywhere from $12,000 upwards for a 12-month setup and support package.

The best thing about Champions Club is that you get the same level of training for a fraction of the price!


How do I install and set up the software included in the EmailSmart Club?

You don’t have to worry; we will install and help you integrate it with your email marketing platform.

Is the training program time-bound?
No, the training modules are self-paced. And you can access them whenever and wherever.
When can I access all the tools and private community?

Once you sign up, we’ll send you all the instructions and access links. And if you still have questions, our team can help you get started.

Got more questions?

How to Contact Evan

Please contact Evan (because he’s the cool one) using one of the following methods:

SMS, iMessage, WhatsApp or Telegram: send a text to +1-480-467-7577

Facebook: send a message to Evan using this link:

If you’d rather send an email, just use this link:

How to Contact Adrian

SMS, iMessage, WhatsApp or Telegram: send a text to +44-7414-931331

Facebook: send a message to Adrian using this link:

If you’d rather send an email, just use this link:

This special pricing ends in 48 hours.

If you’re still with us,

Click the button below and secure your special pricing. We will never again offer this program at such a low price.