The Beginners Guide  To Being EmailSmart

Learn how to get more of your emails seen, so you’ll make more sales

The Beginners Guide To Being EmailSmart

 Is your email list an asset or a liability?

Between 30% and 50% of contacts on a typical email list are liabilities.

The more emails you send to the liabilities on your list, the more your sending reputation will be hurt and the less chance there is of your emails being seen.

You could be losing tens of thousands of dollars in sales.

And the fewer of your emails are seen, the fewer sales you'll make.

Here’s the thing: this is entirely under your control.

Find out how many liabilities are on your list and how to identify them so you can:

  • Avoid the spam folder
  • Boost your open rates
  • Get more emails seen
  • Make more sales
  • Download The Beginners Guide To Becoming EmailSmart so you can get More Emails Seen and Make More Sales.

    Discover how to get More email seen and make more sales

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    Seth Spears

    We jumped from a 12% open rate to a 25% open rate... and have a more active and engaged list that converts better than before.

    Raph Keene

    Within a month, my email open rates are up from 18% to 26% and email click rates are up from 3.5% to 5.5%, while bounces are down from 2% to 0.4%